Christian Family Church Disciples of Christ - Ozark, Missouri

About Christian Family Church Ozark, MO Goings on with the Church

Christian Family Church welcomes all people into the family of Christ.

We are a newly formed church which is meeting in the Ozark Senior Center (727 N 9th Ozark, MO) on Sunday mornings at 10:00. 

Our main goal is to quickly be an "outreach" to the community to help in any way that we can and thereby exemplify Christ's love through our actions.

We believe that when Christ spoke to his disciples: "Put down your nets and come with me." He was saying to all people that if we will walk with Him then all other things will follow, such as development of child-centered activities and support, teen activities and support, community outreach and support, etc.

Our near-term goal is to find a space within which that we can further develop the above outreaches/activites; and that will be obviously "within" the community so that we can further develop our main goal.

We truely accept all people, because that is how we got to be who we are and where we are!  

Please join us in our walk of faith!


Who We Are

We come from many walks of life, but share some common beliefs:

  • We believe all are welcome.
  • We believe it's important to practice the unconditional love of Christ in our church and community.
  • We believe in supporting individuals and families.


Below is an image of Pastor David....

He is "close" because we meet in the round!


Our Pastor

Reverend David Massey-Brown is our pastor.  Pastor David is currently finishing his Master of Divinity degree at Phillips Theological Seminary.

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